- Index
- >Laboratory
- >PhD thesis
- >Thesis in progress
Aridi Mona |
Study of the current and future energy and environmental performance of domestic heat pumps. (Thesis supervisors: T. LEMENAND; co-supervisor: M.-L. PANNIER) |
Brechet Léo |
Image processing for Brillouin microscopy. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU; co-supervisors: N. BOUHLEL (IRHS), A. EL GHAZIRI (IRHS))
Busson Samuel |
Multifactorial assessment of the potential for reducing light pollution by visual removal of sources from a public lighting installation (Thesis supervisor: V. BOUCHER; co-supervisors: F. GREFFIER (CEREMA), F. HÖLKER (Freie Universität Berlin - Germany)) |
Céré Cassandra |
MRI and machine learning for neurology in veterinary imaging. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU; co-supervisor: F. FRANCONI (MINT - Univ. Angers)) |
Christiaens Adélie |
Multi-view spatio-temporal GNN for multi-source time series data. (Thesis supervisor: N. JRAD)
Chokr Bassel |
Diagnosis, prognosis and life cycle analysis of a photovoltaic plant using artificial intelligence. (Thesis supervisor: A. CHARKI, T. LEMENAND; co-supervisor: N. CHATTI) |
Christiaens Adélie |
Study of sensorimotor cortex activity in young children with bilateral cerebral palsy using high-definition electroencephalogram (HD-EEG). (Thesis supervisor: M. DINOMAIS, P. VAN BOGAERT; co-supervisor: J. DEMAS)
Courtin Paul |
Use of machine learning and dynamic systems modelling for the optimisation of conveyor systems in automated warehouses. (Thesis supervisor: J.B. FASQUEL; co-supervisors: M. LHOMMEAU, A. GRIMAULT, S. CONJARD (KNAPP)) |
Dachraoui Sabrine |
Qualification of a reliability model for maintenance decision making. (Thesis supervisor: B. CASTANIER; co-supervisors: A. KOSGODAGAN, A. BEN ABDESSALEM) |
Diallo Algassimou |
Tropical version of Putinar's theorem. Solving generalized moment problems. (Thesis supervisors: N. DELANOUE, D. NIANG DIATTA (Ziguinchor University, Sénégal)) |
El Barraj |
IMMI-BT: Interpretation of Multicentric Medical Images for Brain Tumors. (Thesis supervisors: P. CHAUVET, M. OUEIDAT (Lebanon) ; co-supervisor: N. ABDALLAH)
Fakih Sara |
Output feedback and observer design in PDE setting over sampled-in-time/space measurements – Experimentations and validation for thermal processes. (Thesis supervisor: L. AUTRIQUE; co-supervisor: L. PEREZ) |
Faure Thomas |
Estimating the BRDF of road surfaces using photometric imaging for the design of urban night-time developments. (Thesis supervisors: P. RICHARD, F. GREFFIER (CEREMA); co-supervisor: V. BOUCHER (CEREMA)) |
Flament Loïc |
Building fair schedules for hospital staff. (Thesis supervisor: C. GUERET, O. BELLENGUEZ (IMT Atlantique, LS2N); co-supervisor: D. RIVREAU) |
Ghernaout Nadia |
Optimization of surveillance and maintenance rounds using machine learning methods. (Thesis supervisors: C. GUERET, D. RIVREAU; co-supervisors: M. COUSINEAU (HEC Montréal), M. PICHLOVA LALLEMENTOVA (GRT Gaz)) |
Gilet Valentin |
Smart scanning for microscopy. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU) |
Godard Julien |
Design and development of innovative digital tools for the physical management of patients with Huntington's disease. (Thesis supervisors: A. HUMEAU-HEURTIER, S. DURAND (laboratory MIP, Le Mans University) ) |
Guerin Axel |
Extraction and management of customer knowledge by unsupervised learning methods. (Thesis supervisors: F. SAUBION (LERIA), P. CHAUVET; company supervisor: C. COURTOIS (company OCTAVE)) |
Hamdy Sherif |
X-ray tomography, optimised acquisition and associated AI for seed sorting. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU; co-supervisor: A. CHARRIER) |
Himanshu Mandhan |
CISRIA- Integrated Design of Robotic Systems based on Artificial Intelligence. (Thesis supervisor: T. K. BERA (Thapar, India); co-supervisor: N. CHATTI) |
Hodroj Mohammad |
Experimental and numerical studies of heat recovery from hot exhaust air or gaz for efficient water heating using tubes ans fins heat exchangers. (Thesis supervisors: T. LEMENAND, M. KHALED (Lebanese International University - LIU); co-supervisor: A. TAKASH (Lebanese International University - LIU)) |
Ignazi Arthur |
Guaranteed solution of homogeneous problems. Applications in robotics and control theory. (Thesis supervisor: N. DELANOUE; co-supervisors: R. GUYONNEAU, S. LAGRANGE) |
Jamet-Glémin Clément |
Cost-effective maintenance and monitoring of gas distribution networks in a sustainable development context. (Thesis supervisors: C. GUERET, D. RIVREAU; co-supervisor: J. MENDOZA (HEC Montréal/CIRRELT)) |
Karam Elie |
DC-GNN: Deep clustering with Graph Neural Networks for real world data. (Thesis supervisor: J.-B. FASQUEL; co-suspervisors: N. JRAD, F. ABDALLAH (Lebanon University)) |
Mabrouk Oumayma |
Advanced temporal models for the hybrid monitoring anomaly detection of renewable energy systems. (Thesis supervisors: A. CHARKI; co-supervisors: X. SIDAMBAROMPOULE, N. CHATTI)
Macé Maxime |
Design and development of interactive and evolving exercises on a touch table for motor and cognitive rehabilitation. (Thesis supervisor: T. AMGHAR, P. RICHARD; co-supervisor: E. MENETRIER) |
Manlay Jean-François |
Contribution to the evaluation of measurment uncertainties in 3D using a virtual machine for specific tasks. (Thesis supervisors: A. CHARKI; co-supervisor: A. DELAMARRE)
Marmouget-Joyau Ilona |
Implementation of an innovative accelerated bioremediation methodology, the bio-pile, in order to preserve the quality of coastal marine watermasses. (Thesis supervisors: T. LEMENAND) |
Mercier Félix |
Towards a data-centric AI approach to plant phenotyping. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU) |
Metuarea Herearii |
On-board AI on phenomenobile. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU; co-supervisors: P. RASTI, J. LABROSSE (Hiphen-plant) F. BOUDON (Cirad)) |
Nguyen-Thai Minh-Thi |
Development small-scale household solid wastes and biomass generator system by using fluidized bed boilers: A case study in Vietnam. (Thesis supervisor: L. PEREZ; co-supervisor: L. AUTRIQUE) |
Piscopo Antonio |
Extension of the Gamma Process for Non Monotonic Degradation: Application to Prescriptive Maintenance. (Thesis supervisors: B. CASTANIER, M. GIRGIO (Université Frederico II de Naples); co-supervisor: M. FOULADIRAD)
Rakotonirina Harimanga |
Control system safety: application of predictive models in industrial environments. (Thesis supervisors: A. CHARKI, D. ESPES (UBO); co-supervisor: K. ZKIK (ESAIP)) |
Ravé Simon |
Embedded AI on connected Stick for plant phenotyping. (Thesis supervisor: D. ROUSSEAU; co-supervisor: P. RASTI) |
Todoskoff Sacha |
Prescriptive maintenance: Concept, Modelling and Applications within the Energy-Based Decision Optimization. (Thesis supervisor: B. CASTANIER; co-supervisor: S. VERRON) |
Veyer Clément |
Graph-based neural networks, a priori knowledge-driven deep learning and entropy for image analysis using multiview structural information: application to medical imaging and early brain injury. (Thesis supervisors: J.-B. FASQUEL, A. HUMEAU-HEURTIER; co-supervisor: P. COUPEAU) |
Zouagha Houda |
Performance evaluation within the framework of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Industry 4.0 |