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Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes

Separated by coma

International and European projects

ApeROO : "Machine learning and Operations Research for scheduling problems".  (2019 - 2022)

COMERT : "Coupling Maintenance Optimisation and Technician Routing". (2020 - 2021)

DESIRE: "Development and Epilepsy - Strategies for Innovative Research to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment in children with difficult to treat Epilepsy". (2013-2018)

INVITE: "INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe to foster the introduction of new varieties better adapted to varying biotic and abiotic conditions and to more sustainable crop management practices". (2019-2024)

IRD : "Innovative technologies for the robust authenticity of certain strategic seeds". (2018 - 2020)

PROCHIP: "Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy". (2018 - 2021)

SOLI FOOD WASTE: "Develop an industry to reduce food waste by creating jobs for people with disabilities". (2019 - 2022)


National Projects

CERCOCAP: "Cercosporiose of beetroot by coupling agroclimatic model and connected sensors".  (2020-2023)

CoLoC: "Development of individualised predictive models of Thermal Comfort for Connected Housing".  (2022-2024)

PHYMEARIS: Adaptation of "Phymea's EARBOX system to wheat and sunflower and the development of a method for acquiring and processing plant temperature for applied purposes". (2021-2023) 


Regional Projects

APACOSI: RFI Atlanstic 2020 project, "Deep Learning and Structural Knowledge for Image Analysis". (2019 - 2022)

BIoT: RFI WiSE project, "Building & Internet of Things | Optimisation and predictive control of the performance of intelligent buildings based on usage". (2020 - 2022)

CoMOn: SAM network project,  "Design and development of digital tools for the management of Huntington patients". (2020 - 2022)

DIP: SAM network project, "Portable Isokinetic Dynamometer". (2020 - 2022)

FILESMALL: RFI Atlanstic 2020 project, "FILtragE Stochastic MAx-pLus Linear systems". (2019 - 2022)

HARMONY: Pays de la Loire Regional Project. (2020-2023)

LifeLongEMC: RFI WiSE project, "Predictive modelling of the evolution of transient EMC performance of integrated circuits under environmental and life cycle constraints". (2020-2023)

MASCOT :RFI Atlanstic 2020 project, "Medical Attendant Shift Conception and OpTimisation". (2018 - 2022)

OIC: "Licence artistic creation and digital technologies". (2020 - 2022)

PACINP: "Phenotic as part of the national phenotyping infrastructure". (2018 - 2022)

PAC-TA | ARKTEA: "Heat Pump - Thermo Acoustic". (2021-2023)

PII - HIP XP: RFI OIC Project, "Virtual reality techniques for the care of young adults with autistic disorders".  (2021-2023)

ROBIBIO: RFI Atlanstic 2020 project, "Bio-inspired humanoid Robot". (2019 - 2022)

SLOW REVOFIT: SAM network project. (2020 - 2022)


Projects funded by the laboratory's supervisors

ACQA: "project funded by the research commission of the University of Angers - AMI Participative Sciences. Acquisition and Characterization of Air Quality". (2022-2024)

BEBAC: project funded by the research commission of the University of Angers, "Environmental Performance of Connected Buildings". (2020 - 2022)


Company projects

LIEBHERR : Project within the framework of Mohamed Rabhi's thesis defended on January 13, 2023 "Methodology  for quantifying the impact of overriding stresses on system reliability reliability of systems: Application to air bleed valve actuators". air sampling valves".

SPIE BATIGNOLLES MALET: Project as part of Laure Lebouc's thesis, defended on October 3, 2023, "Simulation, evaluation and optimization of the night-time legibility of urban developments: taking into account the light-reflecting properties of pavements for lighting adapted to the different users of public space".
