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Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes

Separated by coma


We are currently involved in the following projects

  • IVBM-4PAP: Development of an In-Vivo Brillouin Microscope (with application to Protein Aggregation-based Pathologies)
  • PHENET: Tools and methods for extended plant PHENotyping and EnviroTyping services of European Research Infrastructures,
  • IMAGIN: ANR project, Active molecular imagin and unmixing,
  • SoCoSCA: ANR project, Social Cognition deficits in SpinoCerebellar Ataxia : A neuropsychological and neuroimaging study,
  • KARA : Design and development of interactive and evolving exercises on a touch table for motor and cognitive rehabilitation,
  • KNAPP : Use of machine learning and dynamic systems modelling for the optimisation of conveyor systems in automated warehouses,
  • OCTAVE : Extraction and management of customer knowledge by unsupervised learning methods,

and participated in the following projects and contracts:

  • APACOSI : RFI Atlanstic 2020 project, Deep Learning and Structural Knowledge for Image Analysis,
  • CERCOCAP : Cercosporiose of beetroot by coupling agroclimatic model and connected sensors,
  • CoMon : SAM network project, Cognition, Motor, Digital to fight Huntington's disease symptoms,
  • DESIRE : Development and Epilepsy - Strategies for Innovative Research to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment in children with difficult to treat Epilepsy,
  • HARMONY : Pays de la Loire Regional Project,
  • INVITE : INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe to foster the introduction of new varieties better adapted to varying biotic and abiotic conditions and to more sustainable crop management practices,
  • IRD : Innovative technologies for the robust authenticity of certain strategic seeds,
  • PACINP : Phenotic as part of the national phenotyping infrastructure,
  • PHYMEARIS : Adaptation of Phymea's EARBOX system to wheat and sunflower and the development of a method for acquiring and processing plant temperature for applied purposes,
  • PII - HIP XP : RFI OIC Project, Interdisciplinary Innovation Platforms - Shared Inclusive Habitat Experience,
  • PROCHIP : Chromatin organization PROfiling with high-throughput super-resolution microscopy,
  • SLOW REVOFIT : SAM network project
  • SPIE BATIGNOLLES MALET : Simulation, evaluation and optimisation of the night-time legibility of urban developments: taking into account the light reflection properties of coatings for lighting adapted to the various users of public space,
  • VILMORIN - MIKADO : Contributions to high-throughput plant phenotyping based on affordable RGB-Depth devices via computer vision.