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Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes

Separated by coma

PACINP Research Project

Phénotic player in the national phenotyping infrastructure


Group :  Information, Signal, Image and Life Sciences

Labelling: none

Duration: 2018 - 2022

Funding: Region, FEDER, ALM

Staff involved from LARIS: David Rousseau, Salma Samiei, Florian Barbazange, Helin Dutagaci

Project partners: INRAe Angers



The objective of this project is to set up a disciplinary research group (ICST-plant) on the theme of plant phenotyping. This group's mission will be to produce non-invasive imaging and data processing tools necessary to characterise plant populations using biologically relevant information. To do this, this work will be linked to the activities and projects of the PHENOTIC phenotyping platform in Anjou.

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