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Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Ingénierie des Systèmes

OIC Research Project

Artistic Practices and Digital Reactive Technologies


Group : Dynamic Systems and Optimization

Labelling: none

Duration: 09/01/2020 - 12/31/2022


Staff involved from LARIS: Mehdi Lhommeau, Sébastien Lahaye

Project partners: Mathieu DELALLE (ESAD-TALM)



This project has received the support of the RFI OIC as a winner of the AàP "initial training" in 2020 (20 K€ of support). The objective is the creation of a new training course on the theme of "Artistic Practices and Digital Reactive Technologies" involving two institutions: Polytech Angers and ESAD-TALM Angers.

This new Master's degree program takes place over two years and leads to a double degree.

This original program associating two schools aims to bring together two territories, two often distant domains - art and digital technologies - so that they come closer together, inspire each other, overlap until they build common platforms conducive to the development of innovative and creative projects and thus allow to each field to draw from the other systems of organization, methods of conception. The artist and the engineer are part of a contemporary context that they must know in order to be able to act, that they must question in order to transform it. This position is the basis of the pedagogical objectives, where the challenge is not to train a student specialized in a technical field applied to creation, but to develop in each student the capacities for analysis and initiative essential to a research and creative process.
